Just a small post. I have so many thoughts that need to get out instead of putting one huge post I am making several little ones. I should go to bed, but what fun would that be. I will lay there with all these thoughts rolling through my head.
I don't really need to discipline Mia that much, she is a fairly good girl and she is just now becoming more mobile so their hasn't been an issue. Well, there is starting to be an issue. I have baby gates since we live in a 2 story. I have them placed to keep her in the living room and dining room. This helps keep her from the stairs and the kitchen (she likes to get the dogs water). She whines every time I put the gate up in the kitchen. The whining continues even when I try and distract her with something else. Well, occasionally I will allow her in the kitchen so I can see her better, but then she gets into the cupboards with the fly swatter and cleaning supplies. She also began standing up in her high chair. I guess since she just learned how to do this she wants to try it every time. She also likes to come over to the computer and play with the keyboard. When she does these things I tell her "NO". The problem is when I tell her NO she laughs at me! Every single time I say "Mia NO!" She just laughs and laughs. I say it in a stern voice with no smile, still she laughs! UGH! What am I going to do?
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